Labels:text | screenshot | circuit OCR: B-BIT STEREO MONO SOUND OUTPUT FROM YOUR PARALLEL PORT THIS DESIGN BY DAVE BOYD (Version 10) I pupinted to you h the hapar that you wil copy and dictibut It or w w we buidg the chatt For yourolf. Alterata to the or wy of the occorpuryhg This isstrictly prohibited ond ih reolly pas ne OFF Jelling the fle for L profkt a stricth Napal ud W probably Be folowed up by lepol ortion In ny port 6 54 You can abra ENEL m 4 POH ILL TO DE ES CONNECTOR 1B 766482 TO IB-85 LAS 74HCT1+ LUF NHG LE 14 HE VVV LEFT OUTPUT 334 e Mote L 74HCT 772 STESSO FICATIO GREEN LEI JuFm TU 1M-+00 T THE HE AVV> REHT OUTPUT Mote L CONP. 1 1H-400L 7+-CT72 Features: LAS 74HCT14 M 1 Stma compatibility with NOPLAY PRO RED LED & Haro conpatatesty Tth SAUTTER MILFLAY FALL YOPEII 1 Auto-Follback to wow when stereo 5kwl ends Corpo ttle with meat sotbar appar ting thr Cavax Zpatch Thing of the Imay Sound Source Note > The rector . come arth the output of poch chiet pots the young of that chud. It IF suggested that IP you ho IL HOW Fterdo that ou should Le & #) k roost Not+ 2 Thi oupute fraon this cand boord ary deigned to be roughly compatible with the line Inputs in nost anglFlere Donage to your stared way racult IF you pluie the outputa Into the No ophone lids without the props Inperunce Hotchino tronsforno hartoled between both de Woes Hot+ 4 The HO1400 con ba wad ar a direct replacement For the CAC! [ have & pre-farant for 74HCT chips bacuwo of ther low power comptin, and corpotblity with both TIL AN DIE leg's OF your au't get 74HCT Feel Free to oubetitute 7HLE ar 74 ore porta.